Wednesday, 17 August 2011


We went to Matterho' for a wine last night, (we were looking for mulled wine cos its FREEZING still - but no dice).

I got instead...

...the best riesling I've ever tasted! Wow. It shouldv'e been at $12 buck a glass (I can sadly report there's now no glass of wine there for under 11bucks, except the rose for $10 which I was afraid I'd look cheap if I ordered). It was a Framingham 2006 riesling... yum! So smooth and fruity, but not too sweet. Of course all I got was like a thimbleful in a huge glass, ( I prefer when you go to an ethnic BYO dive and they give you a small glass filled to the brim. Oh and it costs like $6.50... feels so much more hospitable), but I managed to nurse it well.

There were too many evening staff already on (round 5pm) and they were all zooming aroung adjusting tables and stuff for the dinner rush. I can't get fooled by wait staff anymore, I know they have to literally pretend to be doing ANYthing to keep their job: its the worst thing about working in a restaurant or bar. I guess its easier at matterhorn as, since its posh you kindof expect the tables to be exactly square and everything set out on the table at the perfect place and stuff. So much harder at say the bristol where nothing is satisfactory so its almost insulting to see staff rushing round pretending they care.

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