Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Oh Wellington, why are you so cute today!!

An amazing start to the day on tuesday... wake at 6.30, cover every patch of exposed skin against the clear chilly coolness, grab boards and head to the water for a skate. So beautiful. Feel like we're in a different city when experiencing it at this new time of day... Different people pass us on the street, the different light. Less people down by the water - long clear spans of concrete to luxuriously whizz along.

The smug joy at sitting on the very edge of the harbour as commuters start to stream past to their boring jobs. An amazing coffee from the cafe in that new building I hate.

10 hours later at the other end of the day, we return to the scene of the crime. Wine at St Johns among the commuters that we were watching in the morning. Chilly dusky cold this time - the depressing feeling of the city darkening round us instead of getting brighter and warmer. Crossing the road when we leave - suddenly sharing the city with cars speeding home instead of the sun-craving corpys glad to get their 20minutes outside in the most beautiful part of the day at the waterfront.

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